St Michael Housing will work with the tenants to help avoid damp and mould in their properties. Tenants are encouraged to notify the Society of any issues, at their earliest convenience. Tenants will always be treated with respect and empathy as St Michael Housing understands that damp and mould problems in the home can cause distress.
St Michael Housing has adopted a zero tolerance, risk based approach to damp and mould, and will ensure that it avoids actions that solely place the onus on the resident of the property.
St Michael Housing will support residents in cases where structural interventions are not appropriate and ensure they will take all reasonable steps to resolve the issue and will ensure that responses to damp and mould complaints are timely and reflect the urgency of the issue.
St Michael Housing will ensure that employees have sufficient knowledge and can identify and will report early stages of damp and mould.
Employee responsibilities
Employees will take responsibility for resolving the issues. Any complaint received, or damp issue uncovered will be overseen by a named employee.
This employee will keep accurate and timely records of visits and interventions adopted. Follow up appointments are made and kept.
Independent and suitably qualified engineers will be used in necessary cases and outcomes will be shared with residents. All recommendations will be acted on in a timely manner.
Where extensive works are to be required, St Michael Housing will consider individual circumstances of the household and whether it is or not appropriate to move tenants out of their home at an early stage.
Tenants have the right to complain using the complaints process and/or the Housing Ombudsman to help resolve disputes.